Rad Run Club


Recent research has found:

  • Australia was ranked 140/146 in terms of percentage of children meeting the World Health Organisation’s physical activity recommendations
  • 81% of children aged 5 to 17 do not meet the Australian physical activity guidelines
  • Children living in rural and remote parts of Australia have even lower physical activity levels than those in cities
  • Children with a disability engage in less physical activity compared to their typically developing peers.

RAD RUN CLUB has been specifically designed to address each of these needs:

  • Both the WHO and Australian Government recommend that children complete an average of 60 minutes of physical activity each day. Participation at RAD RUN will enable children to complete a significant portion of this each time they take part
  • It will be easy for RAD RUN CLUB event organisers living in regional communities to establish an event as minimal specific equipment is required and the timing and results program will be accessible through a responsive website. Only an internet connection will be required
  • Children in wheelchairs and with other disabilities will have their participation recognised in the same way as their able bodied peers.

The health benefits of a physically active lifestyle during childhood are well documented:

  • Children will develop healthier bones, muscles, joints, heart and lungs
  • Their coordination, strength, flexibility, balance and muscle control will improve
  • They will maintain a healthy body weight
  • Their brain will develop vital connections, leading to improved concentration and thinking skills
  • They are less likely to develop chronic diseases, such as heart disease and type 2 diabetes
  • Their mental health will improve by reducing anxiety, depression, negative mood, low self-esteem and social withdrawal
  • Children living with disabilities may benefit even more from participating in physical activities than their able-bodied peers.